Seth Caleb Weeks

Fighting Stability

Jun 15, 2021

When having a discussion about the state of society and how things ought to be, it is important to realize that most systems in this world tend towards stable states. The culmination of divergent forces acting upon a system will settle into a trough. Some may claim that this state is not ideal and that an ideal state would likely be a peak rather than a dip. For instance, capitalism as a philosophy tends towards monopolies and neglects people who have nothing to contribute to society. Socialism represents an ideal state where everyone looks out for each other and contributes to society as they are able. Unfortunately, we can't assume that people will selflessly lookout for the good of others. To build a system on the premise that members of society will look out for one another is to strive for an ideal state. There is no dispute about the fact that this state is ideal, but it is not a stable state because it is built on bad assumptions. Capitalism works because it is a stable state. Attempting to implement a socialistic society is a Sisyphean task. It may be a perfect dream, but a dream is all it will ever be.

Does that mean we should simply accept the issues in society with pessimistic resignation? The only way to change the stable state is to change the forces acting on the system. If the system is comprised of people who only look out for themselves, there must be people who look out for others to counter that force. "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26). God has given the church the responsibility of taking care of the helpless in society. James 1:27 says "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." The role of the church in the world today is to be a force that counteracts the natural selfish inclinations of humanity. To put this responsibility on the government is to usurp the role of the church.