Seth Caleb Weeks

Right vs Righteous

Sep 12, 2022

Too often, I am obsessed with being right rather than being righteous. It might seem like those are the same thing, and ideally they should be. But instead of pursuing what is right in God’s eyes, I try to be right according to how others see me, or worse yet, according to my own standards.

This pride-fueled obsession drives my impatience, anger, and disregard for others. My stubborn insistence on my opinion and confidence in my own knowledge and ability leaves little room for collaboration or correction.

A constant defense of my own self-righteousness dulls my sensitivity to God’s promptings and convictions. After all, salvation starts with the confession of what is wrong (sin). If I am right by any other standard but not God’s, I am utterly and desperately wrong.

Father, you have shown me what you require of me: to love justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with you (Micah 6:8). Would you search my heart, convict me of sin, and make me attentive to your voice? May I hunger and thirst after righteousness, that I may be fed and quenched by you.