Seth Caleb Weeks

The Value of the Spirit

Jul 13, 2021

After identifying the Necessity of the Spirit and acknowledged the Privilege of the Spirit, the next step is to determine what it takes to obtain the Spirit. We must desire to be filled with the Spirit at any cost. Being filled requires first being emptied. We must confess our sin and surrender ourselves completely to the will and work of God. We have already established that the indwelling of the Spirit is necessary for the life of holiness and mission that God has called us to, and that God desires to give this gift to us as a loving Father who wants the best for us. Are we willing to pursue this gift whatever the cost? When my sister was less than a year old, she managed to grab on to some of her hair with her hands. She started crying and screaming from the pain of someone pulling her hair, only aggravating her to tighten her grip and pull harder. We had to pry her little fingers off of her hair to release her from this cycle of self-inflicted pain. What sin are you holding on to even though it is the very thing that is destroying you? Let go of your sin and hold out your hand to receive the gifts that God gives!